304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Since 2018, Brazilian tax legislation determines that the Final Beneficiaries must be informed when registering with the CNPJ – the Brazilian equivalent to the Employer Identification Number and the Tax ID.

The lack of this information, or its incomplete filling, can lead to high fines and problems in the taxation of profits from operations in Brazil.

Avoid tax assessments in Brazil! Count on Gescon experts to ensure tax compliance, with assertiveness and precision.

Gescon is the reference in serving foreign investors in Brazil, in all their accounting, tax, social security and financial management needs. We operate in a complete manner, from the initial assessment of new investment and business opportunities, to the legal and corporate structuring of your activities in the country.

Gescon: a partnership you can rely on.

Fill out the form below and receive a contact from one of our executives.

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