304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Category Business Consulting

Drawback in Brazil

Drawback is a special customs regime, which consists in the suspension or exemption of taxes levied on imported inputs linked to a product to be exported. It was created in 1996 by the Federal Government, with the goal of providing…

Understanding Brazilian bureaucracy

In the literal sense of the word, as characterized by the German sociologist Max Weber, bureaucracy is not inherently bad. Classically, bureaucracy represents a particular way of organizing activities, in order to prevent prejudice or paternalism: the rules are clear…

Advantages of outsourcing accounting in Brazil

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Outsourcing accounting in Brazil has been consolidated as a resource for companies that intend to win, including abroad. These gains are realized through the transfer of activities that, although fundamental, do not directly concern the core business.