304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Brazil is internationally known for its exuberant nature. Thus, environmental issues gain special relevance in our country. In today’s post we are going to talk about corporate responsibility in this scenario. Until recently, many businessmen believed that economic development actions…
Until the current month of March, 2022 has been a challenging year for global markets. After a long period in which the Covid-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the production of wealth in countries, today we are faced with…
Around the world, one of the great enigmas of 2022 is: what to expect from Brazil? The scenario is indeed challenging, but there are reasons for optimism. As with most countries in the world, the Brazilian economy has suffered major…
Fiscalité des revenus au Brésil Le système fiscal brésilien est notoirement complexe, comprenant des taxes fédérales, étatiques et municipales. Le nombre d’impôts et de prélèvements gouvernementaux est considérable – il existe en fait plus de 80 types d’impôts différents. Dans…
On March 26, 1991, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay signed the Treaty of Asuncion, which effectively represented the creation of the Southern Common Market, Mercosur. Mercosur was born at a historic moment when negotiations for the creation of the European…
One of the countries that most attract foreign investment in the world, Brazil is also a country that has several options in terms of tax benefits for foreign investors. When investing in Brazil, foreign companies can use various tax incentives, which are granted by the Brazilian public administration at the municipal, state and federal levels. For the most part, incentives are granted when projects are submitted, indicating the minimum amount to be invested, as well as strategic information such as job creation and other relevant matters.
In this week's article, we separate benefits that are particularly interesting for investors who are interested in establishing ventures in Brazil. To learn more about the subject, click for our latest blog article.
As an important element of global trade in goods and services, Brazil is naturally a country that has numerous bilateral or block agreements with several other countries, ensuring privileged access to markets, always seeking greater competitiveness for companies located here.…
Drawback is a special customs regime, which consists in the suspension or exemption of taxes levied on imported inputs linked to a product to be exported. It was created in 1996 by the Federal Government, with the goal of providing…
In the literal sense of the word, as characterized by the German sociologist Max Weber, bureaucracy is not inherently bad. Classically, bureaucracy represents a particular way of organizing activities, in order to prevent prejudice or paternalism: the rules are clear…
One of the largest markets in the world, Brazil is one of the main destinations for investments in the world. It is a country of continental dimensions, with stable economic growth, a growing domestic market, and abundant natural resources. With…